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Australia’s award-winning choice for secure cloud & cyber security solutions

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We specialise in the sovereign cloud, cyber security and resilience solutions

Data securely stored locally

All data securely stored and managed within Australian controlled and located data centres with sovereign ownership limiting application of foreign legislation and extra jurisdictional access.

Clear value and cost savings

Our lower unit costs, driven by our commercial model, multi-tenanted architecture and automated system management, deliver real cost savings to users. With no entry or exit costs, data transfer or other hidden charges we provide you with the flexibility to move service providers without lock-in or additional cost. 

We enable seamless Digital Transformation

We enable the digital transformation strategies of our partners and customers. We provide solutions using proven and familiar VMware tools and enterprise re-platforming functionality. We support different levels of digital maturity and instantaneous scale up or back of capacity to meet your needs.

Superior sovereign security assurance

AUCyber provides superior security assurance.  We are owned by Australians and managed and operated in Australia by security cleared Australians.  All our services and the data we manage remains in Australia –ALWAYS. This includes customer data, metadata, monitoring and derived analytics data. Our Community Rules Information Security Policy (CRISP) guarantees higher security of everyone’s data and distinguishes our service in the market. 

Built to Government specifications

AUCyber solutions are developed in conjunction with, and for, Government and Critical Industry sector organisations to operate to the highest level of security. We meet, in fact exceed, the Australian Signals Directorate ISM control requirements.

Enhanced operational effectiveness

We integrate world leading API based IaaS automation, orchestration and monitoring practices that make it quicker, easier and more secure to transition at scale to cloud. Our advanced engineering enables improved service levels and proactive automated alerting.

Why is Sovereign Cloud important?

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